Do you ever have those days where you crave something to eat? It could be either a chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A, a burrito from Poblano’s, a pizza from Dino’s or Tomasino’s, or how about an app sampler from Sheetz? What if you ran out of money and needed deodorant? Well now there is a answer to all of that! If you have a meal plan with the John and Mary Metz dining hall, you get free $200 dining dollars that you can use on campus. In case you run out of dining dollars or would just like to have some extra bucks to spend off campus, students, parents, or legal guardians can call Student Financial services (570-674-6222) to add Archie bucks to their student ID card at any time! Archie bucks can be used off campus at locations such as CVS Pharmacy, Sheetz, Dino’s Italian Bistro, Tomasino’s, Moe’s Southwest Grill, and now Grub hub! Being a resident on campus and or commuter you most likely already have a meal plan. That plan is rewarding an extra $200 dining dollars that are only allowed to be used on campus. There are many yummy places on campus you can get a delicious meal, locations such as Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A, and Poblano’s! Once you run out of dining dollars or want to switch up your choices of where to get a meal, you can call Student Financial services (570-674-6222) to add on Archie bucks to your existing plan! Not only can Archie bucks be used on campus but also off campus! How do the equivalents of regular dollars compare to Archie bucks you ask? A regular $1 to Archie bucks $1 is the same thing, you’re getting your money’s worth! There are so many upsides to investing in either a meal plan that gives you dining dollars or adding on Archie bucks. One benefit is that dining dollars transfer over from one semester through the end of the academic next semester and Archie bucks stay on your student ID card for each year! Archie bucks can be added on as frequently as you would like. You can pay by either swiping a credit card or debit in person, paying in cash, or sending a check to Student Financial Services. If you have any questions, they are more than welcome to help you out just give them a call. In the upcoming month of November, we will be running a Black Friday special for Archie bucks! When you buy $100 worth of Archie bucks you will be given an additional free $10 totaling $110! This is defiantly worth your money. Perfect for the ones who have late-night class and can't make it to the dining hall before it closes, now you are able to go to Chick-Fil-A! Don’t forget to call or stop by Student Financial Services (located on the 1st floor of Mercy) and add your Archie points.
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AuthorRachael Murphy, is a senior at Misericordia University studying marketing and communications. She is also the marketing intern for Metz Culinary Management at Misericordia for the 2022-2023 academic year. Archives
November 2022
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